On February 25, 2023, members of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus will meet at the Winter Conference in Orlando to elect Caucus officers — President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Nominations for these Caucus officer positions will be accepted until January 26, 2023, via email to nominations@lgbtqdems.org.
Any voting member may run for a Caucus officer position, nominate another voting member, or have their name placed in nomination. To vote at the February 25 meeting in Orlando, or to run for an officer position, you must be a current voting member, or you must join the Caucus not later than Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
Persons nominated for a Caucus officer position will be asked by the Nominating Committee to verify they are willing to serve if elected. All eligible candidates will have the opportunity to submit a photograph and a biography, statement and/or a platform of 300 words or less, no later than February 4, 2023, for distribution to the membership.
For more information about the biennial organizational election of Caucus officers, click HERE for a copy of the Election Procedures. For information about the duties of the officers of the Caucus, click here to download a copy of the Caucus Bylaws.
Democratically yours,
2023 Nominating Committee
Rick Boylan, Chair
Carvelle Estriplet
Jeff Nall