When you become a member of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus, you’ll have a resource for information on important public policy issues that affect your future. Our meetings are open to all Democrats and provide a chance to interact and learn about political and legislative issues affecting you and the LGBTQ+ community. You will have the opportunity to meet periodically with elected officials and other political leaders, actively exchange ideas and perspectives, and educate them about the needs of our community. In addition, as a member, you will receive communications that provide you with up to date information on local, state and national issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community.
In addition to membership dues, the Caucus understands that members and supporters may wish to make voluntary contributions for specific purposes of personal interest and concern. View our Contribution page for more information about contributions to the Caucus or to our political action committee.
Membership Details
VOTING MEMBERSHIP is open to any Democrat registered to vote in the State of Florida supportive of the objectives of the Caucus. Voting membership confers the right to vote for caucus officers, board members, bylaws amendments, and any other issue put to the general membership. This membership level carries with it an obligation to attend those meetings where a vote will be taken. If you will not be able to attend meetings on a regular basis, an associate membership may be more appropriate.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is open to any Democrat registered to vote in the State of Florida supportive of the objectives of the Caucus. Associate members may speak at Caucus meetings and serve on committees, but shall not vote and shall not be counted in determination of a quorum.
HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP is available for two members.
STUDENT MEMBERSHIP is available for all full-time students enrolled at a school, college, or university.
COMMITTEE PARTICIPATION is encouraged but not required. Serving on a committee allows members to have direct, hands on experience in influencing local and state affairs and furthering the goals of the caucus.
Dues paid between November 1 and December 31, by new members, associate members, and friends, shall be deemed for the current and ensuing year.
Membership Levels
Standard Membership (Single) – $30
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Standard Membership (Household) – $50
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Standard Membership (Student) – $15
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Booster Membership (Single) – $70
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Booster Membership (Household) – $120
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Sponsor Membership (Single) – $160
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Sponsor Membership (Household) – $270
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Benefactor Membership (Single) – $380
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Benefactor Membership (Household) – $630
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