UPDATED: Upcoming Winter Membership Meeting

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus is pleased to announce plans for our upcoming Winter (Biennial) Membership Meeting and Board Elections, held February 7, 2015, in Gainesville, Florida!  The membership meeting will include the election of officers and other board members, the consideration of bylaws changes and a discussion about transgender inclusion and participation in the Caucus.  As always, there is no cost to attend the membership meeting.

Members attending the membership meeting are encouraged to register in advance. This will allow us an opportunity to prepare nametags and agenda materials. There is no fee to attend the membership meeting.

Registration is now closed, but you may still attend. Simply show up!

February 7, 2015, 1:00pm
Location: Pride Community Center of North Central Florida
3131 NW 13th Street, Suite 62
Gainesville, FL 32609

Join us as we prepare for victory in 2016!

View Nominee Bios and Election Procedures

Hotel Information: A special room rate of $89/night has been arranged at Paramount Plaza Hotel & Suites, 2900 SW 13th Street, for the nights of February 6th and 7th. Click this link to make your reservation using our discount code. The special rate is only valid for the nights of February 6th and 7th and reservations must be made by January 28th.

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