Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus Statement on HB 43

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus stands in strong opposition to HB 43, the so-called “Pastor Protection Act.” This bill, being falsely promoted as a “religious liberty” bill, seeks to deceive the public and is being used as a fear tactic that churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship might be sued for choosing not to marry same-sex couples.  It is a ridiculous notion that a self-respecting same-sex couple would want to be married in a house of worship where they are not welcomed.

The right of clergy members to decide who they will and will not marry has always existed and is guaranteed in the Constitution.  This bill is unnecessary and is opposed by faith leaders from around the state.

The Caucus strongly urges Legislators to vote against this homophobic legislation if and when it comes to the House & Senate floors.

We urge our members, supporters & friends across the state to contact their House and Senate members to oppose this bill!