Transgender Community

Featured, News, Statements, Transgender Community

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 20, 2019 FLORIDA LGBTQ+ DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS CELEBRATES THE LIVES OF TRANSGENDER FLORIDIANS LOST TO SENSELESS VIOLENCE DELRAY BEACH FL – Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to honor the memory of those who lost their lives from anti-transgender prejudice. According to a new Human Rights Campaign report, 22 transgender people […]

Chapter Events, News, State Issues, Transgender Community

Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus Statement on 2017 Transgender Day of Remembrance

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus, representing Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, issued the following statement from President Terry Fleming on the 2017 Transgender Day of Remembrance: “On this day every year we honor the memories of our transgender brothers and sisters who have lost their lives due to hatred or prejudice. Sadly, the

National Issues, News, Transgender Community

RELEASE: You Could Be Next — Trump’s Anti-Gay Actions

The Florida LGBTA Caucus stands with civil rights activists in decrying the Trump administration’s latest attempts to roll back rights and protections for LGBT Americans. On the heels of announcing an unforeseen ban on transgender military personnel yesterday, the Trump administration also filed an amicus brief in a case against workplace protections for the LGBT

National Issues, News, Transgender Community

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus Responds to President Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus issued the following statement from President Terry Fleming on President Trump’s just-announced ban on transgender troops: “Once again, President Trump has displayed callous disregard for the lives of LGBTQ service members. As a Navy veteran, I am appalled at this action. The President received a medical deferment to avoid service

News, State Issues, Transgender Community

FDP Statement on Trump’s Attack on Transgender Students

Today, following Donald Trump’s rollback of the Obama administration’s protections of transgender students, Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus President Terry Fleming issued the following statement: “Democrats believe that everyone should be treated fairly with the respect and dignity they deserve — especially our students. Every child deserves to be able go to school without fear of being bullied

News, State Issues, Transgender Community

Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus Denounces Trump Title IX Decision

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus condemns the disgraceful decision by the current Administration to exclude transgender students from protective guidance under Title IX put in place by the Obama Administration.  This completely contradicts the Jan 30 statement from the White House that it would “be respectful and supportive of LGBT rights.” Along with the National

Candidates, News, Transgender Community

Florida’s First Transgender Delegate

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus is excited to announce that history has been made!  Monica DePaul from Jacksonville has become the first openly transgender delegate elected to the Democratic National Convention from Florida and is pledged to Senator Bernie Sanders. She was elected on May 7th as a district-level delegate from Florida’s 4th Congressional District

News, Region 2 - Central Northwest, Regional News, State Issues, Transgender Community

Florida LGBTA Democratic Statement on Marion School Board Transgender Vote

The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus opposes the Marion County School Board’s pending vote on its “emergency” resolution that seeks to prohibit transgender students from using bathrooms they  identify with (and require them to use bathrooms based on the gender listed on their birth certificates). The LGBTA Democratic Caucus is asking all of its members and

National Issues, News, Transgender Community

Recent DNC Remarks on Transgender Day of Visibility

The Transgender Day of Visibility recently brought the following statement from the Democratic National Committee and Chair Rep Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: On Transgender Day of Visibility, DNC Chair Speaks Out Against Republican Anti-LGBT Efforts The Republican Party just can’t help themselves. From North Carolina, Mississippi and now Arkansas, elected officials are finding ways to deny LGBT

News, Region 1 - North, Regional News, Transgender Community

OPINION: Education needed on inclusion of transgender students

After reading Amanda Claire Curcio’s front page article in the Oct. 15 Tallahassee Democrat, it became clear to me that this penning was in order. The article shows the need for conversation within our schools as to the inclusion of GLBTQ students. This conversation has been a long time in coming. It does provide a […]

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