US Rep. Kathy Castor, State Rep. Jennifer Webb, Other Elected Officials and Democratic Leaders Slated Throughout the Conference Weekend
Defining and Defending Our LGBTQ Future
July 19-21, Tampa
TAMPA – Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Nikki Fried, Florida’s only statewide elected Democrat, will deliver the Florida Keynote Address at the Leadership Dinner of the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus’ Summer Conference. The conference, Defining and Defending Our LGBTQ Future, is July 19-21 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay.
“Our Summer Conference program takes a look at where Florida’s LGBTQ community stands now, to review what’s working and determine where we need to focus our efforts to continue to secure our civil rights,” said Stephen Gaskill, president of the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus. “The timing is more important than ever, in this 50th anniversary year of the Stonewall riot that is seen as the start of the modern gay rights movement, and with an administration in Washington hostile to the LGBTQ community.”
The Summer Conference brings together more than 100 LGBTQ activists and allies from around Florida; federal, state and local elected officials; Democratic Party officials; and subject matter experts on a range of topics. A preliminary schedule follows and will be updated frequently.
Conference registration is $45 until July 19, when it rises to $50, and includes the Welcome Reception on Friday evening, and continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments throughout the conference day on Saturday. Register for the conference HERE. Tickets for the Leadership Dinner are $90 until July 19, when the price rises to $100. Purchase dinner tickets HERE.
Our conference hotel room rate is $149 and includes parking and wi-fi, and there are no resort fees. Reserve at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay HERE.