2016 Primary Election Straw Poll Winners
Thank you to all the Caucus members who voted in our 2016 Primary Election Straw Poll. Your participation is greatly appreciated by the Caucus and by the candidates!
And The Winners Are:
US Senate
Congressman Alan Grayson with 39.64%
State Senate District 19
State Rep Ed Narain with 82.22%
State Representative District 59
Rena Frazier with 79.49%
State House District 61
Sean Shaw with 55%
Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller
Kevin Beckner with 79.55%
County Commission District 6
Patricia “Pat” Kemp with 80%
School Board District 5
Tarance “T.D” LeNoir with 62.16%
School Board District 7
Cathy James with 73.33%
Congratulations to all our winners! With only 12 days left until Primary Day, we encourage all our members & supporters to help out the candidate of their choice!
This does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate